Amazing hike..

wisdom tree

The Healing Frequencies of Sound

Our minds register the vibrations of the sounds we hear around us, our bodies then resonate with it, reminding us of harmony. “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ” – Nikola Tesla There is a YouTube channel, Healing Vibrations, has numerous videos of […]

The Healing Frequencies of Sound

To Think

We live in a confused society that has mistaken feeling for thinking. This state of being is not only excused, it’s encouraged. It is beneficial for the merchant to encourage our thinking through emotion-based advertising–caring parents buy brand A breakfast cereal. The politician encourages exclusivity and patriotism to persuade you to vote for her. Emotions, […]

To Think

8 Incredible Ways to Increase Your Intelligence

For ages, it has been thought that people are born with a certain level of intelligence. But, researchers have now found that you can elevate this potential and become more intelligent. In fact, learning new skills can help your brain build new neural pathways, which allow it to work better and faster. – Read a […]

8 Incredible Ways to Increase Your Intelligence

Hiking in Anza Borrego was amazing specially on new years eve. Did goat trail hike which was very interesting saw so much quartz rocks beautiful the views were amazing and breathtaking. But you really need to be prepared for a hike like this you must have obviously water first aid kit just in case for those falls scrapes. You gotta wear the right hiking shoes/boots and the right clothing hats or something that will give you shade for the most part..

Amazing hiking trip.

World famous

You Should Never Give Up On Your Dreams No Matter What!


There comes a time in most entrepreneurs’ lives when the challenges seem overwhelming. You’ve suffered consecutive setbacks and sometimes, you seriously consider throwing in the towel.

You question yourself. Maybe you don’t have what it takes after all? Maybe your breakthrough idea just isn’t realistic? Maybe you should quit now, rather than continue to make a fool of yourself. Self-doubt leeches onto your heart and soul, and despair begins to take over.

It happens all the time, but I’m here to tell you why you should never ever give up on your dreams. Consider these six reasons:

1. What’s the alternative?


If you give up now, what are your options? Where will you be in life? Adrift? Aimless? Imagine how that will make you feel. Perhaps there’s a particular product or service you’ve launched that is plainly not going to be “the one” that leads you to extreme success. Regard it as nothing more than a detour on your journey to success.

We all get sidetracked from time to time and, although you probably can’t identify a reason why right now, there’s probably a good reason Opportunity #1 didn’t work out. But, once Opportunity #10 or Opportunity #20 proves successful, you’ll realize why. Consider the billionaire author, J.K. Rowling, who created the “Harry Potter” series. Her idea was rejected 12 times before someone finally gave her a chance. Ultimately, perseverance paid.

2. Mistakes happen.


There’s not a straight line to success. You’re going to hit bumps in the road that will feel like mountains. But, you can get over them. In fact, making mistakes is necessary to creating a successful company. If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not experimenting. You’re not trying new approaches. You’re not going anywhere. They key thing is to make sure that you learn from the mistakes.

We’ve all heard stories about famous figures who have failed numerous times. Abraham Lincoln, for one, failed to win several positions before becoming president of the United States. Another example, Walt Disney, had to close businesses en route to worldwide success.

And, just last year, while most Americans were relaxing on Labor Day, 64-year-old Diana Nyad became the first person to swim the shark-invested waters between Cuba and Key West — some 110 miles —without a cage for protection. She succeeded after her fifth attempt in 35 years but says she learned something new from each of her failed efforts. Can you imagine what it takes to make that physical and mental journey? Failure is a necessary part of the journey, but it’s never the end until you decide to quit.

3. You need passion in your life.


If you give up on your dreams, you’re living a life unfulfilled. I can’t imagine not being passionate about something. Do you really believe you can build a large company and help tens of thousands of people if you have a wishy-washy approach and don’t feel strongly about your personal endeavors? If you don’t have a mission — if you don’t have a purpose — are you wasting potential? Live life with purpose and you will never be bored. Absolute conviction is everything.

4. Anything can happen.


Don’t give up today because the breakthrough you need might happen tomorrow. All of the hard work you invest in yourself will pay off in the long run. It may well be that you’re running in a marathon despite the fact that you were only expecting a short sprint. If you’re at the point of giving up, give it another shot. “Hail Mary’s” exist for this. And then, repeat this every day.

5. The joy of success.

image of friends

Most of all, don’t surrender your precious dreams, because one day, you will achieve them. And, when you do, the ecstasy will make all of the agony so worthwhile. Imagine being able to celebrate with your family and friends who have been rooting for you — think about the pleasure you will all feel.

Crossing the finishing line and realizing that you completed your goal will provide for an indescribable sense of accomplishment. So, go for it and don’t quit because you certainly don’t want to miss out on the experience of savoring the success.

6. Proving them wrong.


Last, but not least, don’t give the naysayers the satisfaction of seeing you give up on your dreams! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to prove them wrong. It’s quite common to have dream-stealers infiltrate your life. It might be colleagues or business acquaintances or even (sadly) family and friends. They are negative influences who sow seeds of doubt.

I’ll never forget when I was trying to raise capital for my previous business, BlueLithium. There was a general partner of a big firm who lectured me for 10 minutes and said, “Your chances of success are pretty much zero.” Of course, that only invigorated my drive; I can’t help but wonder how he felt when I sold the company for $300 million a year later — I was delighted to prove him wrong. Cheers to those who doubted you because eventually, they will want to be part of your team.

Dreams are essential for an entrepreneur, and with determination, you will achieve them. The road is never an easy one, but it’s absolutely worth it. Your dreams are only awake if you are.

Why Is Drinking Water Important?


Drinking water regularly can help you to lose weight, think better, stay in a better mood, prevent disease, and more. Is that enough to have you reaching for your water bottle?

Do you drink enough water each day? If not, your overall health may be taking a toll. And why is drinking water important?

“Drinking water regularly can help you to lose weight, think better, be in a better mood, prevent disease, and more”.

I follow the advice to drink enough water myself. One item I could not live without, in fact, is my water bottle. To make sure I have one with me at all times, I own several. I keep one each in my car, purse, and backpack, so pretty much everywhere I go, I have a water bottle on hand. I also keep a reusable cup with a lid and straw next to me all day long, so I can easily drink water throughout the day.

Why Our Bodies Need Water

How much of the human body is water? It might surprise you to learn that water makes up about 60 percent of our body weight.

And what does water do for the body? The benefits of drinking water are many: It’s vital for almost every function in the body. Water acts as a building block, a solvent for chemical reactions, and a transport material for nutrients and waste.

Water also helps maintain blood volume and allows proper circulation, helps regulate our body temperature, and acts as a shock absorber for our joints and our brain. There are still more health benefits of water: It helps lubricate the linings of our inner organs and maintains healthy kidney function.[1,2]


Water Your Body: 6 Benefits

Drinking plenty of water can help keep your body healthy and functioning at its highest capacity. Staying hydrated will help you to:

  1. Improve physical performance. During physical activity, our bodies use up a lot of water. So stay hydrated before, during, and after exercise helps to protect your body from harm, and to help you to perform better. Proper hydration can reduce fatigue, improve endurance, lower your maximum heart rate, and more. Drinking water can also help you to be less sore after exercise.[1,3,4]
  2. Help you to lose weight. Are you having trouble with your weight loss efforts? Increasing your water intake may help you achieve better results. Studies show that people who are on diets lose more weight when they also increase their water intake.[5,6] In one study, people on weight loss diets who drank 500 ml of water before each of their three daily meals for 12 weeks lost 4.6 more pounds on average than people who did not drink the additional water.[5]
  3. Boost your mood. People who drink more water also tend to have better moods. One study found that when people who regularly drank less than 1.2 liters of water per day increased their intake to 2.5 liters per day, the participants experienced significantly less confusion, bewilderment, fatigue, and sleepiness. On the other hand, for people who regularly drank two to four liters of water per day who were then restricted to one liter per day, the reduced water intake led negative effects on mood, including decreased contentedness, calmness, and positive emotions.[7]
  4. Boost your brainpower. When you drink more water, you may improve your cognitive performance, too. Several studies have shown that people drinking water during cognitive tasks performed much better than those people who did not drink water during the tasks. These results have been found in both adults and children.[8-10] Studies suggest that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function in the short-term.[8] So next time you need to focus, take a test, or use all of your brainpower, keep a glass of water next to you and keep sipping.
  5. Prevent headaches. Water deprivation is a very common cause of headache. In most cases, rehydrating can provide relief from a headache. For some people, dehydration can also trigger a migraine, so be sure to keep your water intake regular if you are prone to getting migraines or headaches.[1]
  6. Protect against disease. One of the most important answers to the question “Why is water important?” is its role in disease prevention. Proper hydration may be a useful tool in preventing a variety of health conditions and diseases. Staying hydrated may protect against kidney stones, constipation, asthma, urinary tract infections, coronary heart disease, and even possibly some cancers.

How Much Water Should You Drink a Day?

The amount of water you need to drink will depend on several factors, including your age, gender, activity level, and more. However, here’s a good general guideline when it comes to recommended daily water intake: Women should drink at least 2.21 liters per day and men should drink three liters per day.

Increase your daily water intake as you increase your activity level. Be sure to always drink filtered water to avoid toxins found in tap water. For tips on choosing the best water filter.

As you age, you will likely feel less thirsty and thus be prone to drinking less fluid.[1]However, hydration is as important as ever in old age, so be sure to keep water on hand and drink regularly throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Need help drinking more water? Keep track of your water intake by measuring your progress with a cup or water bottle placed in a spot you will see it throughout the day. Set goals for yourself at time points throughout the day to make sure you are drinking enough.

How are your gut instincts?

“You have probably heard the gut is the second brain”.



mangosteen benefits


